Wyrd Schiit

vendredi 1 avril 2016

I have recently acquired a Schiit Wyrd 'decrapifier' which goes between a PC/MAC and the DAC. It was a choice made out of curiosity not logic.

The system I have is;

Samsung intel i7 laptop running JRiver 17 set to direct sound
Schiit Wyrd
Arcam irDAC
Electrocompaniet ECI-3 Integrated Amp
Legacy Audio Studio HD Speakers (wall mounted)
Yamaha NS-SW700 Subwoofer

Connections between PC, Wyrd and DAC are standard USB cables
Interconnects are Mogami
Speaker leads are also Mogami
Leads to the sub (speaker lead connection) are Atlas 3 (because I had them lying around and have not yet modified my spare Mogami leads from spades to banana at one end so they fit! That also means that the primary leads run through the sub before they go to the speakers. OK not ideal.

So on to an interesting observation. Describing what we hear is very difficult as we can only use our own perspective and descriptive powers.

To be honest I was not sure what to expect from the Wyrd. I was hoping that it may clean up the sound a bit and remove any noise from the PC. In fairness I did not notice much but I was curious.

Rather than a long winded diatribe my observations were as follows;

Treble was largely unaffected, or at least to my ears no audible change.
Mid range was a little fuller and perhaps more natural with some added dynamics.

Bass was were there was a clear audible difference to me. It was cleaner, more distinct and I was convinced it went deeper. The lower frequencies from both the speakers and sub improved. Especially the sub with more distinction and depth. That was very noticeable on tracks like Dianne Reeves "River" where you can clearly hear the plucking of the double bass, certainly more so than without the Wyrd. Bass drums were clearer and more forceful on tracks like AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" or Bonny Rait's "Something to Talk About".

It sounded better as a whole and performed better than before at lower volumes too.

I went on to have a much longer listen after adjusting the sub to reduce volume and frequency cut off a little. The noted effects were consistent across a range of music ranging from Jazz and Blues to Rock and a little Heavy Metal just for the neighbour!

Overall I am actually very pleased with what can be done with Wyrd Schiit.

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Wyrd Schiit

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