Suicide attacks in Africa, the Middle East and Asia

lundi 28 mars 2016

While much media attention in Europe has understandably been on Brussels, suicide bomb blasts have also recently targeted other groups of civilians going about their lives:
- Most recently in Lahore: 72 people killed, with a high proportion of children as the suicide bomber went for a play park at a busy time. The Taliban who proudly claimed responsibility said they were targeting Christians celebrating Easter as a message to Nawaz Sharif to get serious about implementing Sharia more rigorously, but it seems they killed mostly Muslims. (That's the problem when most religious minorities have been hounded out of a country: you're left to kill people from your own religion.)
- Last Friday (day off in Iraq): suicide bomb attack in Al Asriya, a suburb of Baghdad. IS targeted Shia adolescents celebrating their football club's victory. 32 killed and 84 wounded. The suicide bomber was an adolescent.
- Maiduguri, N. Nigeria, March 16: 25 people killed in a mosque by two Boko Haram suicide bombers. Another double suicide bombing in February killed 58 people in a refugee camp. In both cases the suicide bombers were women dressed as men. One of the bombers turned herself in when she realized her family was in the refugee camp.
- Bassam, Ivory Coast: the Maghreb franchise of Al Qaeda killed 16 people in restaurants at this beach near Abidjan. Probably thought they would find lots of foreigners, but killed mostly Ivorians.
- South Baghdad, February 28: two suicide bomb blasts claimed by IS killed 130 people, hundreds of wounded. Here again, predominantly Shia neighbourhoods.

That's just a sample from the last month. All this violence is not just about IS smiting "the West" for whatever reason. It is not just IS, it's also the Taliban and Boko Haram and Abu Sayaf and the Jaish this and the Askar that and countless other groups. It's all over Asia and Africa as well as the Middle East, and the only rationale I can see is that these groups really think they can conquer the world.

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Suicide attacks in Africa, the Middle East and Asia

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