I've been happy with the TeddyDAC but when compared directly to my fairly recently acquired analog front end, it's slightly lacking in some areas. I notice a slight digital harshness in the top end I'm hoping to improve. Things that are important to me are black backgrounds, good quality bass (deep & well defined when it should be), "analog" sounding, etc (all the typical audiophile attributes) but probably one of the most important things is for instruments to sound as close to "real" as possible.
For guys that have heard the TeddyDAC, what have you upgraded to & what areas were improved or any drawbacks? I'm currently leaning towards something like the Chord Hugo. I don't need the portable aspect but have heard their 2Qute works better using USB input, while the Hugo with SPDIF (which I require or AES/EBU).
TeddyDAC vs? Looking to upgrade
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