More healthcare madness in the US

mercredi 30 mars 2016

As healthcare costs in the US have increased exponentially over the past 20 years insurance deductibles (excesses in UK insurance terminology) have shot up to allow insurers to limit premium raises.

Last year when I left Massachusetts a health policy for my family was running around $1100 a month, with a $10k annual deductible (I'd usually budget for $5k extra out of pocket annually on top of the $1100 a month).

However with drug prices exploding and insurers limiting payments, even above the deductible a "bright spark" Harvard economist is suggesting healthcare mortgages that you only repay if you live.

So now as a family you're looking at $1100 a month for basic care, plus about another $5k-$10k deductible if you need to actually get any healthcare beyond a GP office visit, and finally if you're really unlucky and require expensive drugs perhaps a second mortgage on top of that to pay for the drugs.

Land of the free ? Gotta love the NHS.

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More healthcare madness in the US

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