The state of UK politics

vendredi 25 mars 2016

How much better is it elsewhere ? We all know about the state of US politics, but our media doesn't give adequate coverage to other nations for us to know the true sentiment there. Merkel has stirred up a bit of trouble in Germany with her well meaning but simplistic invitation to migrants. France and Belgium seem to have much worse problems with Islamic extremists than the UK. Even Sweden seems to be wrestling with its rapidly changing demographics.

I'm not happy at the situation in the UK, least of all that the SNP have handed the Tories a guaranteed majority in England for the foreseeable future, along with Labours self inflicted implosion, but I'm not sure we're all that worse off than other countries (or indeed this country at other periods in our history, save for when we were fighting an external existential threat.

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The state of UK politics

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