Unusual Naim Power Supply ID

vendredi 25 mars 2016

I have come across a most unusual power supply for Naim on my travels and wondered if any of the resident specialists here could ID this for me? It came from system with a NAC, a NAXO and 2 x 250s into Linn Saras.

The front plate says ACE PS and has a single switch with two LEDs. The rear panel has an IEC, a fuse, 4 XLR connectors (2x3pin, 2x4pin) and a pair of RCA sockets. The pins are denoted +24V, -24V, left and right.

Internally the PSU consists of a large transformer (150VA?), 5 x 4700uF 40V capacitors and 4 LM317 regulators with associated circuitry all hard wired on a central aluminium support.

My guess this is was used to power both NAC and NAXO in the original system with some sort of convoluted cabling arrangement. Is this a 4-rail power supply? Could it be used to power a split rail preamp? The Naim HiCap for instance provides 2 x +24V supplies. Why does this supply have +24v and – 24V?

All help appreciated. James.

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Unusual Naim Power Supply ID

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