Musical instrument software for the physically challenged

mercredi 16 mars 2016

The title may imply there's a humorous punchline coming, but there's not (well, not this time at least ). I'm not sure if this belongs in the Audio or Off-Topic section, or perhaps a different forum entirely!...

I tried to be musical when I was growing up. This was quite a challenge given the extent of my cerebral palsy. I persevered with keyboard in the late 90s and had a Yamaha PSR 6?? (can't remember exactly) that I used to create some funky synth sounds. The tech was pretty nifty at the time but would be considered very basic by today's standards.

The 'chord fingering' feature was useful for me but not ideal, as it limited me to basic chords as you needed to press a combination of piano keys to get the full chord etc. Due to this limitation I gave up and learned bass guitar which I was actually surprisingly good at. Sadly due to increasing muscle problems I haven't picked up my bass for several years.

I am keen to get back into synths, but I have been away from this area for so long I have no idea what is currently available in terms of software and/or hardware for the physically impaired.

At the most basic level, I am seeking software which will let me pre-assign full chords to single keys on a QUERTY keyboard.

For all I know there could be specialised MIDI keyboards out there that already do this. As I say I have been away from this area for a VERY long time and don't have a clue as to what's out there now, so I'd appreciate a nudge in the right direction!

MacMini - SchiitBifrostUber & Loki - Yamaha CR-1000 & A-S2000 - Tannoy MG15 & AutogrphMini

Last edited by ToTo Man; Today at 11:05 AM.

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Musical instrument software for the physically challenged

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